Fix 10 Problems
When all of our new representatives KNOW that WE control their jobs, they WILL finally work for us, their real employers, the vast majority of hard working, reasonable Americans.
Here's what they MUST accomplish for US over the next 2 years (this may require major changes like Ford did, going from years of major losses to profitability in a couple of years). Many of our leaders are smart people too, with all of America's vast resources open to them. IF motivated, they too, can accomplish much of the 10 tasks below in 2 years! (Note: This is not an exhaustive list nor the final authority on how to do it, but it is a good general framework that we can begin pushing and improve on).


#1) Outlaw ALL campaign donations (simply set aside about $3 billion (a very small fraction of our tax dollars) per election to fund all national and local campaigns equally-- this would make it fair, stop our "buy a politician" problem, and save our leaders much wasted time from endless fund raisers!);
AND limit endless campaigning time (like England does) to maybe just 6 months or less before the election so our leaders won't waste half of their terms campaigning!

2) Get serious, and wean us from dependence on oil and the terrorist funding oil countries (fund a Manhattan/Apollo type alternative fuel project to give us independence in 10 years, not 30!)

Secure the borders with complete fencing and/or technology along with sufficient border agents-- thourally enforce effective illegal immigration laws with serious penalties on employers to put them all on equal footing to employ only legal workers.
NOTE: There could still be some way that millions of those who have been here at least a few years with no criminal record might be allowed to stay- and according to the actual job need-  but Americans should be offered jobs first).
4) Get back to fiscal discipline (like running a company- Company USA)- Remove all pork barrel projects and ineffective programs (But continue necessary investments for our future in areas like worn out infrastructure, education and potentially useful and lucrative industries like green technology etc.-- Cut tax loop holes etc. to help pay for this)

5) Revamp our extreme legal system and many of it's ridiculous applications concerning criminals, free speech, and unreasonable law suits etc. (require ongoing "common sense" review and changes to deal with abuses of the system and our new and changing realities).

6) Lower health care and medical costs by taking the best from various countries and implementing them into our system (put more emphasis on the vast majority of Americans and not just the priviledged and the insurance companies (require more uniform medical records for cost savings as well as an ongoing independent reviews to report abuses of the system and enforce fair practices etc.)

Improve schools, education, crime prevention and our infrastructure to make us more competitive, skilled, supported and safe.

8) Reduce our trade deficit by requiring fair play and imposing the same tariffs and conditions on other's goods as they put on ours, AND stop the exporting of American jobs by imposing fines on companies that do.
9) Fight a balanced, comprehensive, and well planned "war on terror" (mandate frequent reviews of strategy from independent sources, effectively link all necessary agencies- CIA, FBI, Homeland security, etc.; in short, finally, implement the recommendations of the 9/11 commission!).

Stop the poor health and "obesity epidemic" in America through education, and restrictions on bodily weakening, disease causing additives and chemicals (learn from countries, like Japan, with almost no obesity problems, less major diseases, and far longer life expectancies).

We strongly urge our leaders to start a Nationally televised monthly meeting with all congressmen, senators and the President giving an accounting of their progress on these 10 problems- just like in a well run company, "Company USA".

AGAIN: To pressure our leaders to fix the 10 Problems, we must COMMIT now to start pressuring them or Vote them ALL out if necessary.

1) Please continue reading for full understanding of the logic of this plan.

2) Check back monthly for updates.

**Other possible problems to solve in the future.
* Have ongoing, third party checks and open accounting on all government expenditures, including all public projects, contracts with companies, and other governmental agencies like FEMA etc.
* Fight a balanced, comprehensive, and well planned "war on terror" (mandate frequent reviews of strategy from independent sources, effectively link all necessary agencies- CIA, FBI, Homeland security, etc.; in short, finally, implement the recommendations of the 9/11 commission!).
* Improve our standing in the world by implementing a major PR campaign along with INTELLIGENT/appreciated giving, and a real vision of what America stands for.